Just a little update on one of Greener Partners' projects; our partnership with Willistown Township Parks & Recreation and Historic Sugartown to create an Exploration Garden at the Sugartown Preserve is in full swing! We have 4 weeks of summer camp planned for this summer. 2 weeks of 'Farming Fun Camp' and 2 weeks of 'Fairy Gnome Camp'. It's going to be so much FUN! Today, Amy (our Director of Farming Operations) and I went to the site with the guys who will be erecting our deer fence. YES...one NEEDS a deer fence in these parts. Otherwise there will be no garden. It's literally a salad bar (an organic one!) inside that fence so it has to be perfect. We were outside for about an hour and it just felt so great to be getting all of that sun. It was still a bit too chilly for comfort but the thoughts of gardening and playing in the garden mixed with the fresh air and sun made me so happy! Here are some images I took on my iPhone. I am dreaming up a meditation/yoga spot near the tree. Those black lines you see are the paths between our raspberry patches. A significant part of the garden will be dedicated to soft fruits. Otherwise the garden with be 'free-form' with some rows of vegetables, some patches, some tunnels, and lots of places for the imagination to run free. I know from the picture it's hard to imagine the size of the garden...but pretty much that patch of raspberries is about 1/5 of the total garden!!!!